Singing Guide: Counting Crows

Singing Guide: Counting Crows

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Counting Crows is an American rock band that originated in California in 1991. One of the most distinctive features of Counting Crows' music is the emotional delivery and unique vocal style of lead singer Adam Duritz.

If you want to learn how to sing like Adam Duritz and master his vocal techniques, the first step is to identify his vocal range. You can use Singing Carrots' vocal range test to compare your voice with his and determine your vocal range. Once you know your vocal range, you can start practicing and enhancing your vocal skills by using Singing Carrots' pitch training exercises.

Here are a few tips on how to learn the unique singing style of Adam Duritz:

Singing Techniques

  • Expressive delivery: Adam Duritz is known for his emotive and passionate delivery of songs. To develop this aspect of your singing, focus on conveying the emotions of the song with your voice and try to become more comfortable with reaching the higher notes in your vocal range.
  • Vibrato and phrasing: Adam Duritz's use of vibrato and phrasing are key components of his unique vocal style. Incorporate these techniques into your vocal delivery to add emotional depth to your singing. Singing Carrots' educational course includes vocal exercises on how to perform vibrato.
  • Falsetto: Adam Duritz's use of falsetto has become a defining element of his vocal style. You can practice singing in falsetto to add more color and tonal diversity to your repertoire.


To learn how to sing like Adam Duritz, it's important to study his melodies, lyrics, and delivery. Here are a few songs that showcase his unique vocal style:

  • Mr. Jones: This song features soaring vocals with a catchy melody
  • A Long December: A straightforward vocal delivery with clear phrasing
  • Big Yellow Taxi: A more laid-back, conversational vocal delivery
  • Round Here: A song with a powerful, emotional vocal delivery

Practical Advice

In addition to exercises and songs, here are a few practical tips to enhance your singing skills:

  • Breathing exercises: Proper breathing is essential for good singing. Singing Carrots' breathing basics and breath support resources can help you improve your breathing technique and stamina.
  • Warm-up exercises: Starting your practice session with warm-up exercises can help you prepare your voice and prevent injury. Singing Carrots offers several vocal warm-up exercises to get you started.
  • Posture: Maintaining good posture can also help enhance your singing. As discussed in this article, How posture affects your singing, good posture helps you to breathe more easily and sing with more power and control.

With consistent practice and the right approach, you can learn how to sing like Adam Duritz and add more emotional and expressive delivery to your vocal style. Best of luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.